Sunday, June 9, 2013

Self Published Poem

Your Little Swing

I felt as if I had the world.
Anything that I could possibly wish for
Anything that I ever wanted
I had it all.

Nothing lasts forever though.
My joy, my happiness, my purpose
They all just simply disappeared when she left
My life became empty

I remember that day
The sun was blazing down on us
Viciously striking your flawless diamond skin
But you stayed
And so did your smile

I remember the next day
Cloudy, and frigid
Tears were tearing your skin
As they grazed that pink cheek of yours
But you stayed as they slowly dried up

And I remember the day after
The weather was perfect
But I was empty
You didn’t come back

I waited
I waited for you to come back

When you finally came back
Something was different
Taller, bigger, and mature
Filled with tiredness

Heard you’ve been busy with school work
She says thank you
For waiting
It’s always good to know that
There is a place where I can just sit down relax and blow away her worries
And I tell her
I will always be here

I will always be your little swing

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lord of the Flies Found Poem (the result of a well spent hour)

The Lord of the Flies (from Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Chapter 9)

Among the creepers he went
The great mat that was woven by the open space
The sunlight pelted down and the butterflies danced

Arrow of the sun fell through the air that seemed to vibrate with heat
Thirsty, and then very thirsty
There was no avoiding the sun

The head grinning amused in the strange daylight Spiked on a stick
Even the butterflies deserted the obscene thing
A gift for the beast: A joke really

In front of Simon was the Lord of the Flies
White teeth and dim eyes
Gaze held by ancient, inescapable recognition

“You are a silly little boy, just an ignorant silly little boy”
Head tilted up, eyes could not break away
“My poor misguided boy”

Up in the sky were clouds, the great bulging towers
But looking into his vast mouth,
Blackness was within, a blackness that spread
The head silently says “I am the beast”

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Oryx and Crake Reading Journal - day 6

 During class, instead of writing on my blog, I read the book. Yes, that was a perfect way to start, by sharing my personal life that nobody cares. Well, that is that.
 Last time, I think I ended by concluding that Crake is a nerd. Well, on top of that, he is now a pervert and a pedofile. He found this girl on a porno site and printed a frame out of it......I mean....what? Yes, I was shocked at how straight forward and sudden that fact was introduced. Later in the story, that girl, whos name was Oryx, was somehow with Jimmy. Jimmy, who watched that video from the "web site" with Crake was asking her about her past lives. Then I realized how insensitive Jimmy was. He obviously knew that Oryx's past was definitely not the one that she enjoyed, and will not enjoy telling him all about it. One of the most effective ways of learning new lessons is learning from mistakes, whether it is my own mistake or a mistake of someone else, such as my brother. I probably should not share my personal life here, but sometimes, my brother makes life hard for his parents. Then I would learn what not to do and become the "charmer" of the family. By seeing how Jimmy is causing pain by asking Oryx about her obvious dark past, causing her emotional pain, I would learn from his insensitiveness.

OMG I just realized that its past 12, about 2 hours passed my bed time.....well the bedtime that was set last summer, but still. I'm gonna go sleep now....good night everyone zzZZzzZZzz

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Oryx and Crake Reading Journal - day 5

I was at about page 120 when the age rating abruptly changed. it all happened when Crake was introduced to Jimmy. His first impression was mysterious. He did not talk too much about his life, and he did things that struck me as odd, such as his criticism of the chemistry room. Then, when Jimmy took Crake to the mall, he gave me another impression: mathmatical and intelligent. The way he calculated where one's hand may be really left me speechless (what a geek looool (that may not be appropriate but that was what came in to my mind first so i felt as if I just had to write it in)). To summerize, i thought he was a smart, sincere, a bit nerdy, but nice and innocent kid. Then it all changed. At later pages, a list of games and websites that Jimmy and Crake like to visit was introduced. I mean first few that was listed were okay. However more and more inappropriate sites were mentioned, such as a site all about people being executed. He was still smart but he was definitely neither nice nor innocent. Then I learned that Crake likes to smoke marijuana. To me, at least, doing drugs is never the smartest choice. In addition, he steals the marijuana from his uncle. So there went my first impression: intelligence and sincerity. Well, so as of now at the most, he is just a bit nerdy. Like him:

Friday, February 15, 2013

Oryx and Crake Reading Journal - day 4

 Last week was our group presentation of some of the inquiry questions that my group came up with in a format called Pecha Kucha (for some examples click here). My group members actually divided into three different section, each dealing with different issues. Some of those subdivided groups had a chance to meet up and rehearse. However, our ultimate flaw was we never actually got to rehearse as a whole group and practice timing. The night before the due date, I got all the pictures and put it into a power point presentation so that it fits the format of Pecha Kucha. On the last minute, as in during class, I realized that I did not have any pictures. So quickly I created one and had to say everything in 20 seconds. The lesson that I learned here is I should finish it ahead of times so that my group can rehearse and come up with some improvements, and so that I have time to change things up properly.
 The presentation was also an opportunity for me to look at some ideas that other members came up with. Among three main ideas, we decided to go with the environmental concerns that our present is leading us. Though I didn't get to the part where that question may be raised, despite my impressive progress last weekend, I cannot agree more that at the present rate of consumption of resources, the future's environment is not very  bright.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Oryx and Crake Reading Journal - day 3

Okay. so.... I am here, sitting in my English class, staring at the whiteboard. On it, it says, "DO YOUR PERSONAL REFLECTION BLOG." I stare at it for few more minutes. Finally a thought comes into my hopeless brain: 'What do I write?' During the long weekend, against all odds, the impossible had happened. I did not read a single chapter. Right this is completely irrelevant to the book and I will not get the best mark. I can stop and go straight back to the topic, but I would rather not . The purpose of anyone's blog should not be for marks. It should be a place where people can share knowledge, experience; emotions and thoughts; even deep dark secrets...........yea..... I'm just really disappointed at myself for being lazy. Well I thing I went bait too far soooooooooo


 So that section above was written about three days ago in class and for that duration, I have been making some progress with the book. I came across this part that was somewhat against my belief. Jimmy, being young and all, doesn't have the best parents in the world. His mom does not make him lunch and is not exactly nice. His dad does try to please Jimmy but fails to spend quality time with his son. Worst of all, they never remember Jimmy's birthday. However, I was able to see that their love towards his son is true. I was able to see that they were trying in their own ways. Jimmy, of course, does not realize just like typical boys of his ages. Naturally, Jimmy's daily goal is to get some reaction out of her ever-so-ignorant mother. When he finally gets a reaction out of her, such as crying, running out of the house, slamming her door behind, yelling, and swearing at him, and many more, he gives himself a pat on his back. Well, to be straight forward, I do not do that. Being a nice person, not to brag about my personality or anything ;D, I think the way to get the attention is to do nice things to them. Of course it may not work for some people, such as my sister(who I do not really like, who doesn't like me either, but not to the point as the relationship between Jimmy and his mom), but what is supposed to happen is I suck up, by just simply saying "OH MY GOD YOUR FRIED CHICKENS ARE AWESOME" or waking up the first time she wakes me up, then she feels good, and I get better meals.
I know all the actions that will irritate my mom because, luckily for me, my brother is the expert at pissing off(this may not be the best word choice for school related work, but it is my blog after all :D AHAHAHA) my mom. So by watching him, I know what not to do. As the story continues, or rather as I read the book, which I do not really do too often, I will know what well become of that relationship.

 Well that is it for today and BACK TO PLAYING LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!! PEACE OUT

Source (I am not sure if this is necessary but its now or never so grammar ever right?) :

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Oryx and Crake Reading Journal - day 2

 So I read further into the book, about two chapters, and it definitely caught my attention. Some interesting things happened in the story so far and I am truly excited to go ahead and read the whole book. Ever since the  book began, the focus was on snowman in form of third person omniscient point of view. Everything around him seemed pretty messed up. No explanations were there to explain how snowman was all alone on his own in the middle of nowhere, completely naked. In the most recent chapter, it went back in time and showed a little bit of snowman's childhood. The past seemed pretty out of ordinary as well. One thing that was of ordinary was the mother's love for her child and a careless child who just cannot understand where his mother is coming from. It will be pretty interesting to read along and see how it all happens.

 Only thing that I am worried about at this point is how long it will take me to finish the novel.At this rate, about four chapters per week, it's going to take me few months. If I can manage to stop coming up with some dumb excuses I guess I will be able to progress more quickly.

 It's getting late so I am gonna go sleep now :P